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Sweet Revenge Page 18
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Page 18
Kyla's eyes widened at that possibility. The problem had not occurred to her. Her gaze slid to Giant Robbie now and worry began in her own head. As his nickname suggested, Robbie was a giant of a man...and Aelfread was a wee slip of a girl. Truly, she did not reach much above four feet. The idea of her bearing a babe of Giant Robbie's almost boggled the mind. It would surely rend the woman before her to pieces, she thought suddenly with dismay.
"Nay. Don't you start thinking like me Robbie," Aelfread warned grimly, catching Kyla's expression. "Me own father was a large babe. He grew to be over six feet and me grandmother was me size and she fared well enough. She said 'Twas all in the hips, not the height. And when she met Robbie, she looked him up and down and nodded and said I would do well enough. I'll not have ye thinking his bairn'll split me."
"Of course not," Kyla agreed swiftly, forcing her fears aside. "Besides," she added with more hope than true belief. "Morag is a wizard with herbs and potions. No doubt she knows a thing or two that will help. 'Twill be easy."
"Hmm." Amusement plucked at her lips now. "I didn't say 'Twas easy for me grandmother to bear me father. 'Twas hard work according to her and no mistaking it. But she survived, and I will, too."
"Of course you will," Kyla agreed firmly, deciding she would talk to Morag about it the first chance she got. She was not about to sit back and leave things to chance. Aelfread was quickly becoming the best friend she'd ever had and she was not taking any chances with her health. It was bad enough that she may have lost her brother. Kyla sighed at that thought. There had been no news yet from Forsythe. A fact that was beginning to bother her greatly. Did she not hear something from that quarter soon she would have to send a man there to find out for herself what was happening.
Aelfread suddenly cleared her throat, drawing her attention. "'Tis yer turn," she explained, gesturing toward the chessboard.
"Oh. Aye," Kyla murmured, glancing distractedly at the board and making a move as she contemplated the best way to approach her husband on the subject of sending a man to Forsythe. His behavior toward her was so odd sometimes, she was not sure what to say to him. He was as loving and gentle in their bed as any woman could wish, but out of it he was different. He was sometimes cool, sometimes friendly, but always in a stand-offish sort of way. And sometimes he was just plain short with her, as if he were angry about something. She never knew how he would take her presence and to be honest, the uncertainty of his welcome was beginning to wear on her nerves.
"I ken it has only been a week, but it feels as if I haven't been to the shore in ages."
Kyla glanced at Aelfread at that, her mind pushing her thoughts aside. "Aye. It does seem a long time. I had no beach to wander on, but at Forsythe there is a river, and I often used to journey to it and walk along its edge. I have always felt there was something soothing about water."
"Hmm. 'Tis a shame we can't go. The morrow promises to be as grand as today. It would have been nice to have a picnic on the sand. Mayhap take a swim."
Kyla pursed her lips, her gaze sliding to the men at the table before returning to her friend. "Mayhap we could sneak away," she suggested doubtfully.
Aelfread shook her head at once. "Nay. We'd be caught. They're on their guard now."
"Hmm." Kyla frowned as she nodded over that, her mind searching another solution. After a moment, she came up with one. "What if we snuck out ere anyone else was awake? The--"
"Nay. They'd come searching for us right away and bring us back. 'Tis a small island and very little of it isn't watched. The only area unguarded is where the cliffs are. 'Tis too sheer there for anyone to attack..." Her voice faded away as she said that and she suddenly smiled. "I have it!"
"What?" Kyla sat forward in her seat.
"'Tis too perfect."
"We can slip away and no one would even ken...if we work it right."
"What?" Kyla asked, her voice rising with exasperation. "Tell me."
Aelfread hesitated long enough to glance toward the men across the room, then leaned forward across the table, waiting until Kyla had done so as well before explaining. "There are secret passages in the castle that Robbie--" she blushed--"showed me once."
Her eyebrows rose slightly. "Really? How interesting." She grinned. "There are one or two at Forsythe as well."
Aelfread smiled widely. "These ones lead down to a cave that opens out on the area of the island I said wasn't guarded because 'Tis too sheer for anyone to attack from there. 'Tis nearly directly beneath yer bedchamber window. The castle is built on the edge of it."
Kyla nodded now, recalling the small stretch of beach her friend was talking of. The castle wall ended where the face of the cliff began. She could well understand why they would not bother to post guards on it. While a small boat or two might be able to land there, anyone in them would be trapped on the beachhead. The cliff face was nearly as straight and smooth as the castle wall itself.
"The cave is at the end of that small piece of cliff that juts out beside the little patch of beach. Robbie showed it to me when I first came here. 'Tis the escape route we're to take if the island is attacked and the defense isn't going well." She paused. "The cave entrance is open at low tide, but submerged at high tide. We could go down, take a boat around the corner to the beach, have a little picnic, wade in the water..." She sighed with pleasure at the very thought, then grimaced. "If we can think of some excuse for disappearing into one of the upstairs rooms for an hour or two."
When Kyla raised her eyebrows at that, Aelfread shrugged. "We can't simply disappear, else they'll have the whole castle looking for us."
"Oh, aye," Kyla agreed, glancing toward the men to see Robbie peering their way. There was passion, affection, and a touch of anxiety mingled on his face as he gazed at his petite wife, and Kyla was reminded of her friend's delicate state and the fears for her health it brought. Reminding herself that she intended on seeing to it that both baby and mother came through this healthy, she turned back to her friend suddenly. "Your delicate state."
Aelfread blinked at that and Kyla grinned as she explained. "I have heard it said that women who are with child tend to tire easily."
"Oh, aye," Aelfread muttered with a baleful glare toward her husband who was no longer looking their way, but caught up in some debate with his laird. "Robbie has told me that repeatedly since I told him that I am with child."
"Well," Kyla murmured with amusement. "'Tis a handy excuse to use for this. You may claim that you grow weary. I will blame it on your delicate condition and suggest you go above stairs and rest for a bit. Does the room next to my bedchamber have a passage?"
"Aye." Aelfread sat forward again, delight illuminating her face briefly before she suddenly frowned. "But what of you?"
"After you have gone, I shall claim a nap sounds pleasant--"
"Morag will never believe it," Aelfread interrupted dryly, and Kyla frowned.
"Aye, and she is none too pleased with me at the moment. She got in trouble the last time I snuck out and is determined to obey whatever rules Galen gives her now. He threatened to return her to Johnny and Catriona should he catch her aiding me in any further escapes." Kyla wrinkled her nose with disgust, then paused to murmur, "We may be able to convince her, though. She might believe I truly wished a nap if she thought I was just bored because you are not around. And mayhap I could yawn every once in a while throughout the morning to let her think I was tired. If she asks, I can say Galen kept me up half the night."
Aelfread grinned at that. "With our luck, he just may do that."
Kyla blushed slightly, but shrugged the comment aside. "I will excuse myself for a nap and wait for you to come to get me."
Her friend nodded and grinned. "I can almost smell the breeze off the water and feel the sand beneath me bare feet."
"Aye." She grinned back. "'Twill be a grand adventure."
"Ye've been yawning ever since ye came down this morn. Mayhap ye should have a lie-down."
blinked at Morag's unprompted words, her gaze shooting to Aelfread.
"Mayhap his lordship is working ye too hard of a night," her nurse teased, laughter in her eyes.
Kyla flushed brightly at that, the words striking too close to home for comfort. Not one of the sleepy yawns she had produced this morning had had to be feigned. They were real and Galen was indeed the reason for her weariness. He had kept her up so late the night before that the yawns were now coming of their own volition, and often enough to be bothersome.
"Mayhap Morag is right and ye should rest for a wee bit." Aelfread stretched with feigned weariness, one hand moving to her back as she arched it. "All this needlework is a strain on me eyes and I don't think a wee rest would go amiss meself."
Morag glanced up from her mending, her gaze moving over the other woman's stomach. "'Twould not be a bad thing, considering yer condition."
Both of the younger women stiffened at that, surprise mirrored on their faces. Their whole plan was playing out now, but in a somewhat backward fashion. Aelfread had not yet announced her condition, and neither of them had had to suggest the rest; Morag seemed more than willing to do it for them.
"How did ye ken about me condition?" Aelfread asked the question both women were wondering and Morag rolled her eyes.
"Lass, I've been on this earth a long time. There is very little I don't know. I've known ye were with child for a week now, or at least suspected." She was silent for a moment as both women digested that, then she spoke again. "Ye've nice wide hips. 'Twill be a hard birth, but ye'll come through it."
Kyla felt herself sag at those words. If Morag said it was so, it was almost guaranteed. It was a relief to her. More surprisingly, it was obviously a relief to Aelfread if her own expression was anything to go by. It seemed obvious that, despite her words and bravado, the wee woman had not been quite as sure as she had pretended over how she would fare in childbirth.
"I be thinking ye both might benefit from a wee rest," Morag continued now. "'Twould only benefit the babe ye carry, Aelfread." Her gaze slid to Kyla. "And while ye may be feeling well enough thanks to me potions and salves, yer back is still mending, child. Ye should be careful not to overdo it."
"Mayhap for a little while." Kyla's gaze slid to her friend. "I'll rest if you do."
Aelfread nodded.
"Rather than walk all the way back to your cottage, why do you not rest in the room next to mine?" Kyla suggested now as if the thought had just occurred to her. "'Tis empty. That way Robbie will know you actually did sleep and did not sneak off to pick flowers or something once you were out of sight of Duncan's sharp eyes." She glanced teasingly toward Duncan who stood near the fireplace as she said that, her smile deepening when he made a face in response.
"If 'twould be no bother?"
"Nay. 'Tis no bother at all," Kyla assured her and got to her feet. "You go ahead. I think I shall just have a mug of meade ere I lie down."
Aelfread hesitated, then moved around her chair to join her. "I think I shall have a half a mug meself."
Smiling, Kyla turned and led the way toward the kitchen, almost feeling guilty at how easy it had all been. It was amazing how smoothly it had gone. It was almost as if Morag had known of their plans and set out to assist them, she thought with amusement as they passed through the doors into the kitchen and set about putting the second part of their plan into action: gathering food for their picnic.
It was not an easy task. Aside from cook, there were at least three other servants in the kitchen. Kyla's murmur that they sought a cup of meade immediately brought the three assistants away from their tasks to offer to fetch it. She quickly declined the offer and waved them back to their cutting and peeling, then set about the task herself in as slow a manner as she could manage as she set about lifting the necessary items for their feast.
With Aelfread to shield her, she managed to pocket a small loaf of bread without anyone noticing as she passed the table where it was warming. A large hunk of cheese quickly followed, though Aelfread actually had to distract the girl that was cutting it for Kyla to do so. Then they finally moved to fetch the meade.
She was pouring the liquid into mugs, when Kyla happened to glance up in time to see Aelfread sidle a little closer to the next table, palm two apples and pop them into her top. It seemed the round, red orbs were a mite chill against her flesh--at least that was what Kyla assumed when the other woman grimaced and did a little dance. Her movements caught the attention of Cook who glanced curiously toward them, but he did not seem to notice Aelfread's now larger and somewhat lopsided chest. Kyla had to cough to hide her laughter as she turned away.
Aelfread was at her side at once, a moue of pretended sympathy on her face as she patted her back, muttering that she hoped she was not coming down with a cold. At that, Kyla was torn between another burst of laughter and a groan. The last thing she needed was for the people around here to think she was ailing again. They were just beginning to get over thinking her a weak and sickly Sassenach.
Shoving one of the mugs of meade into her friend's hand as cover, Kyla hissed a warning regarding the irregular state of her bodice. She then quickly drank from her own mug and smiled sweetly over the shorter woman's shoulder at Cook as Aelfread straightened her apples.
They both downed their drinks quickly, then fled the kitchen with their stolen booty, making their way straight above stairs. Aware that Duncan had followed them to stand guard in the hall, they murmured "good sleep" to each other as they each moved to their respective doors.
Closing the door behind her, Kyla immediately moved to the wall facing the room Aelfread now inhabited. This was where the entrance to the secret passage was supposed to be, but she could not see where it was exactly. It was well hidden. She was still silently examining the face of the wall when a portion of it suddenly slid inward directly beside the fireplace.
"So that is where it is." Kyla smiled at Aelfread as she poked her head into the room. "I tried to find it last night, but Galen came up ere I could discover it." Moving forward, she peered into the darkness of the tunnels.
"'Tis hard to find." Aelfread was grinning like a child. "Are ye ready?"
"Aye--" Kyla began, then paused and turned in a listening attitude toward the chamber door. She stood still for a moment, ears straining, then waved Aelfread abruptly back into the tunnel, gesturing for her to remain silent as she slid the wall back into place. She had just done so and hurried across the room to the bed to pull back the covers when the door opened and Galen entered.
"So, 'tis true." His expression was surprised as he closed the door.
Kyla stiffened, wondering guiltily what exactly he was referring to, then smiled meekly. "What?"
"Morag said ye'd come above stairs to rest, but I didn't believe it."
Kyla relaxed slightly and shrugged, pulling the blankets back before sitting on the edge of the bed. "I am a bit tired is all."
He crossed to her side at once. "Yer no' ailing?"
"Nay," she assured him with a slight smile. "Just a mite tired. I have not been getting much rest of late."
Guilt covered his features at that and Kyla grimaced. "'Tis not your fault; I have quite enjoyed the reason for my lack of sleep," she admitted with a small blush.
"Have ye now?" he murmured, sinking to sit on the bed beside her. "I came back with the intention of making good on me promise and taking ye to the beach, but if yer tired, mayhap a nap would be better. And mayhap I should have a wee one, too." His hand slid along her arm caressingly. "Mayhap I could help ye relax and drift off to sleep quicker."
Her eyes rounded at the tone of his voice. It was the tone that generally sparked a fire in her belly...among other places. Unfortunately, with Aelfread waiting on the other side of the chamber wall, that tone just now raised panic rather than passion in Kyla. She was frantically trying to find a way to change the direction of this interlude when Galen suddenly leaned forward and kissed her. She knew right away from the passion of the kiss that it
was too late for any redirecting she might do. All she could hope for was a miracle as he pressed her back onto the bed, his hands sliding to her lacings.
That miracle came in the form of a tap at the door.
Sighing, Galen pulled reluctantly away from the embrace he had initiated and glanced toward the closed door. "Aye?"
"Gavin said to let ye ken there is someone on the mainland asking to see ye." Tommy called through the door. "He's taking a boat over to fetch him back."
"I'll be right down," Galen announced resignedly, then turned regretfully back to Kyla. "This will have to wait 'til later, sweetling," he murmured, kissing her gently before getting to his feet. "I shall make it up to ye tonight. In the meantime, have a nice rest." He paused long enough to tug the blankets up over her, then turned and left the room.
Chapter Fourteen
Kyla barely waited until the door had closed behind her husband before throwing the covers aside and leaping out of bed. Redoing her lacings, she hurried to the hidden panel, grimacing apologetically at Aelfread when it opened and the other woman eyed her with amusement.
"Sorry," she murmured, following her into the tunnel, her nose turning up at the musty scent that assailed her.
"'Tis all right," came the wry response. "How fares the bread?"
"The bread?" Kyla frowned at the other woman's back as the panel slid closed behind them. Reaching down to her pocket, she realized that the loaf had been on the side on which Galen had half-lain upon her. Feeling the bread's now compressed shape, she grimaced into the narrow crawlspace, grateful that her friend had thought to bring a torch. She herself had not considered the necessity of one.
"'Tis flat," she admitted, then sharpened her gaze on the other woman's shoulders as she realized the only way Aelfred could have known that it would be. "You could see us?" she asked with dismay.
"There's a peephole," she admitted, then explained. "He was talking so softly I couldn't hear what was going on, so I looked in. I was about to return to the next room when the knock sounded at the door."
"He thought he might have a nap," Kyla explained lamely and was positive she heard a snort from her petite friend as they reached a set of stairs hewn into the rocks. Putting out a hand to brace herself, Kyla grimaced at the slimy feel to the wall, but kept her hand on it, afraid the steps might be just as slippery and she might lose her balance.